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(2 edits)

Hey everybody new version (0.3.5) is up now for browser. Your progress should save now after reloading or closing the browser tab! That being said, there may be future updates where I need to wipe y’all’s saves if structural changes are made to the player data. Let me know if anyone is still having issues with losing their progress in the meantime!

Other small changes ~

  • weakened the Denisovan Bracelet upgrade by adding a cap to the boost value 
  • added popups on white tiles at the end of the game to alert the user that they have reached the end of the world. 
  • adjusted scroll speed

0.3.5 mac and pc builds are also now up.

A lot of the updates this week have been bug fixes and quality of life improvements. I’m planning to push some updates with gameplay improvements, more content, and better balancing in the coming weeks. 

thank you !

Super fun!!! It had me playing for weeks. The gardener's backyard is a lot more OP than the other one letting  you get a lot of worms buying all the upgrades and ending up with 20 mil artifact points, then getting a new permit and eventually crashing the game. A bug I found was having around 1 trillion digs per second but even after 5 minutes still having less than that for total feet dug. (see image)  

I think that the artifact sensor unlocked too late because after it unlocked, I already knew the shapes of most of the artifacts. I also found the zoning annoying once I unlocked it, it was digging so fast that when I tried adding a zone to dig up an artifact it was already dug up. Sorry for all the negative feedback, I hope you know that I really enjoyed (and still enjoy) your game, as a game dev I try to give helpful feedback instead of saying how much I like the game but sometimes I can seem too harsh.


thank you for playing ! I dont think the feedback sounds harsh, it is very helpful for me. the terminology between "feet dug" and "digs" is kind of confusing right now. it takes multiple "digs" to to dig down 1 foot on each tile which is why the numbers don't match, but im brainstorming better ways of presenting this info.

Is this the end or a bug?


that's the end ! Im planning to make it more obvious or show some kind of popup when this happens


minor mistake: it says you can prestige at 300 research points but it actually let's you at 200.

thank you for catching this !

Within the course of a couple of hours, I've progressed to the point where I can dig through the earth within a couple of minutes. I should also note that the unlock requirement for badgers is too high/broken(I'm pretty sure it was because of too much artifacts).

thank you ! definitely need to balance some of the later stage animals more

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm a bug hunter, don't take these as negative criticism.

-Crafting comes in way too late. I was just about to close out of the game and type this up when it came in

-The centerline moves to the left by two tiles when you look at the depth map

-The depth map is just weird until you hit the middle part of the game, needs early game scaling

-Try placing the bear zone on the left or right edge of the map and see what happens

-One tick of scrolling moves the menu by like 4 pixels. It takes 12 full drags of the mouse wheel to go from top to bottom. Scrolling through upgrades, holy shit that is terrible. This is the only problem that makes this make me not want to play anymore.

-Can't scroll down to the bottom of Badger

-Charcoal doesn't mine automatically, I had to buy it.

-Pop ups can't be closed unless you do the action they want, such as the tutorial ones. Some actions can't be completed due to other bugs, like the charcoal one. Then you are stuck with a popup that can't be closed right in your face.

-Can't see all permanent and one time upgrades that were bought. The wording on them makes it sounds like when you buy them it applies the current percentage one time, so I put off buying them for a while. i.e. I put off buying the Venus of Willendorf upgrade because I only found 4 Super Rares until that point. I don't know if finding all 10 makes the percentage boost go up AFTER it was bought. 

-If you try to upgrade Archeology but click on the progress bar, it doesn't upgrade.

-Scaling is just too fast and weird. If you want a game that people can play for hours and days then it is definitely in need of adjustment. I would recommend slow down the digging in the mid/late game, speed up the artifacts at each stage, but lower their point values. 

-Cost resets are pretty neat but they should probably be based on a scaling price (based on your prestige percentage) rather than how many you have. It's way too broken once you hit the mid game and get 3-4 of them all at once.

-Clicking becomes useless in the mid game, not sure how to keep that relevant, maybe a bigger dig area as well as more power scaling.

Overall not bad for an early game build. Kept me occupied and entertained for a couple hours. I love the concept of multiple plots of land and what they offer in terms of benefits, definitely need more of those. And probably something to do with those research points.

Thank you, this is incredibly helpful feedback !



Worms have developed class consciousness

they know their worth


very broken, very fun. denisovan bracelet is so incredibly broken that artifacts stopped spawning and all of the tiles turned white

the white tiles just mean you got to the end of the game, but that upgrade is definitely way too powerful at the moment !


Buy 10x and similar options should update costs on the menu to the commensurate value instead of staying at the 1x cost(and 10x shouldn’t let you buy less than 10x imo)

good idea !

I agree that's why I hold off on buying anything until I know I have enough for ten. This should be one of the next updates. It's still a fun game but not knowing if I'll get ten of something less is a real pain. 

(1 edit)

Windows and Mac builds are now up

Umm, is there any chance of a save system?

this is currently what im working on

okay, thanks.

Please make it downloadable :<

i should have Mac and PC builds up today or tomorrow

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